课程视频 Lessons Video Science #3 Big Data in Agriculture Science #2 The Myth in Planting Durian Science #1 How Plantation With Science method help in durian planting? 科学 #40 你适合种榴莲吗? Are you suitable to involve in durian plantation? 科学 #39 - 植物成长最快在雨季 Plant grow best during raining season 科学#38 - 为什么别人的树总是比我的好?Why other people's tree always better than mine? 科学 #37 如果同样成本果量, 你选有机或喷药? 科学 #36 信心 + 耐性 = 做农成功 Faith + patience = success in orchard 科学#35 - 你的树健康吗?芭健康吗? 你健康吗?Are your trees healthy? Is your orchard healthy? Are you healthy? 科学 #34 植物最诚实,你给它所要的,它就给你要的 Plant will give you what you want if you give what it needs 科学 #33 不要放弃 Don't give up 科学 #32 救树行动 Rescue operation of durian trees 科学 #31 准备下一次的开花结果 Preparation for next season 科学 #30 科学种植案例 - 园主转型成功 Case studies of Plantation with Science - Success in Transformation 科学 #29 做农不可盲从, 要先了解原因才跟 Farmers should not follow blindly but need to understand the reasons behind 科学 #28 怎样做到完美的芭? The making of perfect orchard 科学 #27 农业成功是靠理念而不是产品 Key success factor in agriculture is Philosophy NOT Products 科学 #26 很多园主不小心变成芭的奴隶 Many plantation owners become slave unconsciously 科学 #25 减少肥料农药 90%, 不单止省钱, 更加壮树和产量 Reduce fertilizer & pesticide 90% to strengthen trees & yield 科学 #24 让榴莲油棕和其他果树起死回生 Resurrection of durian, oil palm and other fruit trees 科学 #23 榴莲断R 是可以避免和计算得到的 Durian tree broken branches can be calculated, anticipated and avoidable 科学 #22 几时应该医好病树?几时应该翻种?不要再烧钱了. 适合榴莲,油棕火龙果和其他作物A guide to replant or cure sick trees 科学 #21 榴莲油棕 高产的农友 如何施肥放菌修枝吗?Combination of fertilizer, pruning & microbes for high yield in durian? 科学 #20 (介绍) 把更多的花变成榴莲 Transform more flowers to durian 科学 #19 (介绍) 一眼识破合格和不合格的肥料与酵素 Differentiate genuine fertilizer and enzyme 科学 #18 (介绍版) 科学种植就是带农友到终点的导航系统 Plantation with Science is the navigation system for famers 科学 #17 (介绍版) 农药的杀伤力超乎你的想象 Consequences of pesticide, fungicide and herbicide are beyond imagination 科学 #16 园主如何减低天灾的发生和杀伤力? (介绍版) 水灾,土崩,雷劈,风灾Reduce possibility of natural disaster in plantation 科学 #15 你要轻松做农还是辛苦?(介绍版) Plantation can either be easy or the hard way, it's your choice! 科学 #14 疫情改变了全世界 榴莲油棕何去何从 (精品9介绍版) Pandemic change our world and affect durian and oil palm planting 科学 #13 给植物这20种元素 你就轻松和丰收 (精品8介绍版) You will get good harvest your plant get these 20 elements 科学#12 种榴莲成与败不是偶然 (精品7介绍版) Success in durian planting is not coincidence 科学#11 种榴莲最头疼的十大 (精品6 介绍版) 10 critical success factors of planting durian 23-Nov-2021 科学 #10 榴莲疾病 (精品5 介绍版) Durian diseases, fungi and sickness (Premium 5 intro) 16-Nov-2021 科学 #9 一次过了解榴莲的种类 (精品4 介绍版) Know all durian species (Premium 4 intro) 9-Nov-2021 科学 #8 (介绍总结) 种植榴莲要投资多少?How much to invest in Durian Plantation? 科学 #7 (介绍版) 修枝 Pruning 科学 #6 (介绍版) 和植物沟通的秘诀 Communicate with plant 科学 #5 (介绍版) 省时省工省钱种植法 Time and Cost Saving plantation method 科学 #4 (介绍版) 泥土, 菌和微生物 如何影响种植的成败 How soil and microbes affect success rate of plantation 科学 #3 (介绍版) 大数据应用 Usage of Big data 科学 #2 (介绍版) 种植榴莲的迷思 Myth about Durian planting 科学 #1 (介绍版) 科学种植榴莲的起源和大纲 Durian planting with science - the origin and introduction 科学 #火龙果 (介绍版) Dragon Fruit 科学 #油棕 (介绍版) Oil Palm Sains Kelapa Sawit BM #1 6-Oct-2021 主页 Homepage